
Discharge planning is an important part of your mental health hospital admission, to help you easily transition from hospital to home.

Planning for discharge

Our discharge planning starts when you arrive at hospital. This helps to discuss and plan for your needs, after your hospital stay.

During your stay, you are encouraged to discuss any concerns or issues you may have, with your Psychiatrist or a member of your treating team.

There are a number of people who can help plan your discharge:

  • You, your family or carer can alert us if you may need additional support
  • Your treating Psychiatrist can discuss options for acute community services, or day therapy programs to support your recovery after discharge
  • Your Psychiatrist will also discuss post-discharge follow up appointments
  • Our Nursing and Allied Health staff will assist with identifying services you may need
  • Your inpatient program facilitator will also discuss preparing for discharge, with practical information on discharge planning and relapse prevention

Day of discharge

Please check with your Nurse before leaving to collect your medications and prescriptions, and to confirm any follow up appointments you may have.

You must also report to reception to finalise any outstanding accounts you may have.

Reception hours are Monday to Friday: 7:30am – 5.30pm.

We will contact your referring Doctor to advise them that you have been discharged from our hospital.


Follow-up contact

We will contact you post-discharge to confirm your progress, and that your circumstances have not changed.

You will also be emailed a copy of our Patient Experience Survey. Feedback we receive helps us to know what we are doing well, staff we should recognise and how we can improve our service for all patients visitors.

Outpatient appointments

Please attend any follow up appointments arranged with your Psychiatrist, following discharge.

Day programs

We encourage you to attend our day programs, to help your ongoing recovery and build on the skills already learnt during your hospital stay. This also lessens your risk of re-admission to hospital. Please speak to your Psychiatrist about a day program suitable for you.


Adjusting to daily life after hospital admission can be challenging. If you are struggling to cope, contact your treating Psychiatrist or call our Admissions team on 1800 333 674 to discuss help appropriate to you. If it is an emergency or you feel unsafe, call 000 or present to your nearest Emergency Department.